Friday, August 24, 2012

Vital / Perspective

Perspective is something that really determines our reality in life. Being able to change your perspective can really alter and change our life in so many aspects. It is pretty incredible to me that we realize in order to change our lives all we need to do is flip that little switch in our mind on our perspective and our whole world and views change in an instant. Just a little thought that was on my mind this last week. Pretty neat.

As I'm recently doing more and more self growth, I'm realizing once again who is in my life and why they are in my life. You know how we always like to do a spring cleaning when we are going through a new season with our clothes or even our home items? I'm that way with people. I realize if they are vital in my life and if they are ok to rid of. I have done that on facebook and other social media ways, but it really puts you in a situation that is interesting. I love all the people in my life, but there are those that are bad seeds that are negative all the time and jealous and I have decided to rid of them. It has been difficult, but I believe I am successful. There is no point in having people in our lives that don't lift us up and inspire us. It just drags us down an makes us feel bad about ourselves. At least you have the memories of them and you move on. Even though I don't have many friends, maybe a handful-ish they are vital to me and that should also make them feel important just as they make me feel important.