Sunday, September 18, 2011

So the Lion Fell In Love With The Lamb...

Twilight has always been one of my favorite love stories of all time. Edward falling in love with Bella, the love the connection they have as a couple. The beautiful lyrics, the beautiful story. I am so in love with Twilight. I was before the hype. I read the books while they were coming out into the book stores. I love the music, the story, everything. I feel as though my love story is Twilight. But ends at New Moon. I fell in love with jacob. Greg is my jacob character. Dain my ex boyfriend is Edward. Edward left me and i found Jacob in the pits of darkness and Jacob helped me to my feet and helped me become the beautiful woman that I am. I still love Dain, but with a different love now. I looked through pictures of us today, and he was my best friend, the one I could turn to, but changed into a mean person so quick. Then I found Jacob (grego) And I haven't been able to go back to Edward. Dain did ask to date again and to be together once more, but I am too attached to Greg. I know everyone is so sick of Twilight, but most people don't understand that for some of us, the connection to the story is deeper than superficial. It is how life turned out, and how we connected to Stephanie Meyer.

I am so excited for the final movie to come out. Breaking Dawn was my second favorite book in the series. My favorite was Eclipse. Then Breaking Dawn, Then New Moon then the first one. Yes I am a twihard freak. But you would have never known. :)

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