One thing that I will never understand is how people talk badly about others behind their backs. Even at age 50 people still talk awful about each other. It’s something that starts really at a young age and then we continue to do it as we get older. I have started a new job at an amazing mortuary in Utah. It’s one of the best in the state and it has been recognized nationwide. I have been here a week. 1 week. I work in my own cubicle and I am in charge of a lot of accounting but I also help out with families where I am needed. My desk is surrounded by pre-need sales associates. Pre-need is buying a plan for your funeral before it happens so your family is prepared. They are based off of commission and it can get really really catty in here. I usually will put my headphones on so I don’t have to listen to it and just continue to do my work so I don’t really pay attention to the gossip. This morning I came in to my desk, there were files everywhere and papers in places that I didn’t place them. This bothers me because there is a correct way to place everything and I am very very anal about the details of MY desk. I threw them aside to be refilled and just continued on with my work. A pre-need sales lady came up to me and asked me where this file was. Um I look at her like wtf. I have no idea lady. Obviously it’s not here. I told her I have no idea and she threw it in my box and had a little fit. Then mean while went back into the cubicle and started to talk badly about me. How is this appropriate? How is this acceptable? All because I don’t know where a file was. It wasn’t my responsibility and it clearly was hers to keep track of it. Now before I continue my rant, keep in mind my job is perfect. I absolutely love that I am very good at my job and that I am in control and that I can understand all that I am doing, but it has been somewhat of a challenge. Nobody likes to talk to me. I eat lunch alone and not a single person here besides my manager knows anything about me. One of my managers Jerry just found out that I’m a Disney lover. No one has bothered to get to know me. Yesterday when I was talking to Greg about it, he said aww how sad. I didn’t think was a big deal until he said that. It is kind of sad. Why? I don’t believe I have done anything different than I should be doing. But for some reason I take it pretty personal. When someone is new I really like to make sure they are comfortable and I enjoy getting to know who they are because I am going to be working with them. It’s really strange but this is the first job that I kind of am like a fly on the wall and am not really noticed. Which is not a problem, but it some ways it kind of hurts. I’m sorry to vent and rant. I am truly happy don’t get me wrong. I just am a little taken aback by the situation.
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