I used to post on here a lot when things got bad. I really don't know why that was the only time I came on here, but recently I like coming on here now just to type things out. Good or bad! I forgot how much I actually like to blog etc. Today was an interesting day at work.
I am currently taking care of 4 families at one time. It can be stressful but I AM LOVING IT! Today I took care of a family of a little 6 month old. He is such a cutie. And such a little chunker. I love him so much and you can tell he brought so much life and love to his cute little family. This family is very timid but so sweet. I thought I may have a hard time taking care of this family, but surprisingly they have been my favorite family to take care of so far. Babies who have passed on are so hard on families, this little guy had only half a heart and they knew he would pass soon, but they said they were even lucky to get 6 months. When I help baby families like this I always like to sit back and ask myself how I would handle this situation if I was a mama, and honestly I don't know. I won't ever know till I give birth but even then I hope to never imagine burying my own child.
Anyway on a different note, my boss is so awesome. Brandon. He really is the best boss I have ever had. He is very down to Earth and his main goal with me is to teach me everything to help me as a director and even as a person. He also told me I remind him of his two daughters and ever since then I feel we have an awesome bond. He is someone I know I can ask for help and he won't be mad or anything like that. He is always there to help and his wife, such a sweetie. She treats me like family when I see her, Its so nice to have a boss finally that cares about me and is willing to help me achieve my dreams. I really love what's happening for me.